Happy 2017! Did you know that 66% of New Year’s
Resolutions involve fitness?
If you’ve been consistently working out
and running in 2016—then great! Keep it
But if you decided that today is the day
that you will get off the couch and begin a fitness routine then read below for
some tips to help you get going...
Set goals.
A lot of New Year’s Resolutions are very
vague: lose weight, eat healthy, start running, etc. If your goal is to lose weight, as yourself
how much you want to lose, how long it will take me to get there and what do I need
to do to accomplish that goal? Set SMART
- Specific.
- Measurable.
- Achievable.
- Realistic.
- Timely.
Have a plan.
You know what they say, “A goal without
a plan is just a dream.” Whether it’s a
running specific goal or you’re starting to strength train and eat better,
develop your plan. Map our a few weeks
and refer back. This will help you stay
on track.
Ease into it.
The worst thing you can do the first
week of January is go hard on your resolutions every single day. Being too ambitious and diving right into a
new routine or high mileage running will only set you up for burnout and
injuries. Your body needs to adapt to
the new stresses and recover.
Hire a coach.
Not sure what to do or how to get
started? Hire a personal trainer or
certified coach for some guidance and expert knowledge.
Be patient.
Fitness doesn’t happen overnight. Diet and exercise takes a lot of discipline
and self-motivation. All you can do is
stay consistent and keep working towards your goals.
Have fun!
Enjoy the process. Hard work is easy work.
Blog post by Jen Skiba.